Top 5 Businesses expected to grow in 2022

Top 5 Businesses expected to grow in 2022

Dec 12, 2021

2021 is about to end and we are learning to live with COVID-19. Life is getting to normal with lots of if and buts. 2022 will be the year of growth and new ideas which will change the economy. Here is the list

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The dish has uncertain origin, yet is the most consumed in India

The dish has uncertain origin, yet is the most consumed in India

Dec 3, 2021

Biryani is a dish that has a very uncertain origin and history in India. Some historians believe it has its origin in Persia and came to India through the Mughals. While there is another section of people who believe that it originated in

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Mobile Data & Broadband-Fastest to Slowest and Cheapest to Expensive

Mobile Data & Broadband-Fastest to Slowest and Cheapest to Expensive

Nov 21, 2021

We should thank Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn because they changed our lives and the way we think. Even for this blog, I am thankful to them because they are the ones who are credited for the invention of the Internet. “Roti, Kapda

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World Happiness in 2021

World Happiness in 2021

Nov 6, 2021

The Cambridge dictionary defines happiness as “the feeling of being pleased.” So, what makes us happy is it money, education, food, housing, or a combination of all things. Roti, Kapda aur Makaan is just a saying because happiness is not limited to internal

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Do you how much metal is in your Smartphone?

Do you how much metal is in your Smartphone?

Oct 3, 2021

Smartphone has become a lifeline of a human being. According to the Digital 2021 July Global Statshot Report, globally there are 5.27 billion unique mobile users i.e. approx. 66.9% of the world population. This smartphone constitutes approx. 79%  which is 6.40 billion devices.

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Market Capitalization of Global Companies vs Indian Companies

Market Capitalization of Global Companies vs Indian Companies

Aug 31, 2021

The analysis is based on 5,179 companies details as of 24th August 2021 from The data is currently not dynamic. What is the market capitalization of a company? Market capitalisation, abbreviated as Marketcap, is the monetary worth of a publicly traded firm.

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Lab-Grown Diamonds: Gift to Everyone

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Gift to Everyone

Jun 27, 2021

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored blog and purely based on my research. What are Lab-Grown Diamonds? Lab-grown diamonds are also known as lab-created diamonds, synthetic diamonds, lab-made diamonds, or engineered diamonds. Lab-Grown Diamonds are test-tube babies created from a single diamond seed

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Cost of Living Index

Cost of Living Index

Apr 26, 2021

The study is based on Numbeo results, in which I attempt to chart the Cost of Living based on four parameters: rent, grocery, restaurant, and local purchasing power. Key assumptions of the data are New York City has been considered as a relative

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COVID19 Tracker

COVID19 Tracker

Apr 19, 2021

With the process of learning during the lockdown, I learned to work on Tableau and created a real-time tracker. The sources of data are the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and WHO. Hover your cursor to the country for the real-time information.

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Together We Can: Draft EIA 2020 rollback successful

Together We Can: Draft EIA 2020 rollback successful

Apr 17, 2021

Together we can bring change in our society and a small movement to roll-back draft EIA 2020 has been successful now. Through this blog, I am not here to criticize or question the government rather address the concerns of the people of this

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