Market Capitalization of Global Companies vs Indian Companies

The analysis is based on 5,179 companies details as of 24th August 2021 from The data is currently not dynamic.

What is the market capitalization of a company?

Market capitalisation, abbreviated as Marketcap, is the monetary worth of a publicly traded firm. In most situations, the calculation is as simple as multiplying the share price by the number of outstanding shares.


Based on the analysis of the data here are a few keys highlights:

  • India is witnessing a trend of listing which is positive sign for the Indian economy.
  • If we comapre Indian economy with the other country it is very clear that investor are positive about India’s stock market.
  • In top 10 global ranking in marketcap, 8 companies are from technology sector.
  • U.S. companies account for 7 companies in top 10 list.
  • Apple and Microsoft have crossed the $ 2 trillion mark.
  • Reliance Industries and Tata expected to cross the $200 billion mark.
  • In India, 5 financial sector companies are in top 10 list and three banking insitution are the major player are HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and State Bank of India.

Link to tableau

If any suggestions/recommendations or help required, please feel free to contact me.


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