Top 5 Businesses expected to grow in 2022

Top 5 Businesses expected to grow in 2022

Dec 12, 2021

2021 is about to end and we are learning to live with COVID-19. Life is getting to normal with lots of if and buts. 2022 will be the year of growth and new ideas which will change the economy. Here is the list

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Mobile Data & Broadband-Fastest to Slowest and Cheapest to Expensive

Mobile Data & Broadband-Fastest to Slowest and Cheapest to Expensive

Nov 21, 2021

We should thank Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn because they changed our lives and the way we think. Even for this blog, I am thankful to them because they are the ones who are credited for the invention of the Internet. “Roti, Kapda

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World Happiness in 2021

World Happiness in 2021

Nov 6, 2021

The Cambridge dictionary defines happiness as “the feeling of being pleased.” So, what makes us happy is it money, education, food, housing, or a combination of all things. Roti, Kapda aur Makaan is just a saying because happiness is not limited to internal

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Agriculture in India

Agriculture in India

Feb 2, 2021

Disclaimer: The analysis is based solely on information available on the Government of India website (click here for the report). Agriculture contributes to about 58% livelihood of India’s population. However, after independence, India made immense growth in food-grain production which has increased multiple-folds.

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Ways of Expanding Business

Ways of Expanding Business

Nov 25, 2019

Every business wants to expand. This article is helpful for those you are into the retail business of either apparel, consumer goods or services, food & beverages, education, and healthcare & wellness. The motive behind this blog is purely to create awareness. After

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