Is Waste-to-Energy the Savior or Siren Song for Waste Crisis?

Is Waste-to-Energy the Savior or Siren Song for Waste Crisis?

Jul 20, 2024

Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants are being proposed as a solution, but is this technology the answer or a potential pitfall?

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NFTs – Dead before show-time

NFTs – Dead before show-time

Mar 19, 2024

NFTs were the talk of the town in 2021 and 2022 and there was news that people had become millionaires from NFTs. However, in 2024, it looks like NFTs have lost their limelight. What happened to them? Was it just a gimmick? Is

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Beyond Baingan: From Worldly Delights to Dreadful Dishes

Beyond Baingan: From Worldly Delights to Dreadful Dishes

Jan 6, 2024

Food defines the culture of a country however the taste buds will always define emotion. With globalization, our taste buds have got a chance to taste other country’s food however with localization it has evolved according to our cultural taste buds. According to

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Cost of Living Ranking 2022

Cost of Living Ranking 2022

Aug 15, 2022

The ranking data is based on Mercer’s 2022 Cost of Living City Ranking. The change in the geopolitical situation and the changing climatic conditions have affected the cost of living globally. Quick facts from the data: If any suggestions/recommendations or help are required,

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Digital Payment in India: Is a Necessity?

Digital Payment in India: Is a Necessity?

Jul 10, 2022

India has globally created a standard that it can move to secure and aatmanirbhar technology to drive payment. Pre – covid era was when we implemented or tested but it didn’t see much growth. However, COVID-19 boosted digital payment and transaction volumes have

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Mobile Data & Broadband-Fastest to Slowest and Cheapest to Expensive

Mobile Data & Broadband-Fastest to Slowest and Cheapest to Expensive

Nov 21, 2021

We should thank Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn because they changed our lives and the way we think. Even for this blog, I am thankful to them because they are the ones who are credited for the invention of the Internet. “Roti, Kapda

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World Happiness in 2021

World Happiness in 2021

Nov 6, 2021

The Cambridge dictionary defines happiness as “the feeling of being pleased.” So, what makes us happy is it money, education, food, housing, or a combination of all things. Roti, Kapda aur Makaan is just a saying because happiness is not limited to internal

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2021 – 21 Things To Be In News

2021 – 21 Things To Be In News

Jan 4, 2021

Wish you all a Happy New Year. Let’s check quick news that will be trending in India and globally. Here are the 21 top news to remain in the spotlight in 2021. Global India India – Judgment Science & Technology Sports For any

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Recap 2019

Recap 2019

Jan 1, 2020

As we welcome New Year 2020, a recap of 2019’s major news of India and World. 2019 was a challenging year. Happy New Year and wish you a great year ahead “In a gentle way, you can shake the world” Mahatama Gandhi January

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