The dish has uncertain origin, yet is the most consumed in India

Biryani is a dish that has a very uncertain origin and history in India. Some historians believe it has its origin in Persia and came to India through the Mughals. While there is another section of people who believe that it originated in south India.

“Biryani” word orgin

Biryani is derived from the Persian terms Birian, which means “fried before cooking,” and Birinj, which means “rice”. Another theory is that it is derived from biryan or beriyan, which means “to fry” or “to roast.” and term birinj, on the other hand, derives from the Sanskrit word vrīhí (व्रीहि).

History of Biryani

There are various legends about Biryani’s beginnings in India. Some speculate that Timur carried the recipe with him when he invaded India. Mumtaz, Shah Jahan’s wife, is said to have ordered a special feast for her men since they were weak and malnourished and biryani is the product of the chef’s efforts. Some claim that a meal called “Oon Soru” described in Tamil literature around the year 2 A.D is considered to have been created in the same manner as traditional Biryani.

Biryani and its own Indian taste

Indian biryani has its own fan following because of its different way of cooking and blends of spices. Each region and state has its own variety of biryani, here are a few known biryani names:

  • Mughlai Biryani
  • Hyderabadi Biryani
  • Lucknowi Biryani
  • Calcutta Biryani
  • Dindigul Biryani
  • Ambur Biryani
  • Chettinad Biryani
  • Rawther Biryani
  • Thalassery Biryani

Biryani in India has never distinguished itself between rich and poor. It has always been accommodative in its making and flavour. For India it has also become vegetarian, so we can say that Biryani is the most adaptive dish India has ever experienced.

Biryani and its obsession in India

Biryani has become an integral part of India. According to the Swiggy report, A Biryani is ordered every second. According to Zomato, 22 biryani was delivered every minute in 2020.

Over and above Biryani obsession can be witnessed in the food startups segment where they have been able to raise multi-million dollar companies.

The love for biryani in India has not even left out the health freaks, they’ve developed biryani from oats, quinoa, pasta, charcoal and brown rice

Quick Industry Facts

Organized biryani delivery is estimated to be INR 2,500 crore while the unorganized segment is valued at INR 25,000 crore. Source

If any suggestions/recommendations or help required, please feel free to contact me.


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