
Together We Can: Draft EIA 2020 rollback successful

  • April 17, 2021
  • 2 min read
Together We Can: Draft EIA 2020 rollback successful

Together we can bring change in our society and a small movement to roll-back draft EIA 2020 has been successful now. Through this blog, I am not here to criticize or question the government rather address the concerns of the people of this country and for its future.

The Indian government drafted EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) 2020 without properly consulting all stakeholders. The new draft was more favorable to industry, but not to biodiversity or local residents. A full description of the study can be found here.

Way Foreword – EIA 2020

The nationwide peaceful protest had a positive impact and now the government has to rework the deeply flawed report as suggested by the CSIR-NEERI’s report on “Collation and Review of the comments/suggestions received from all the stakeholders on the draft EIA Notification 2020″. According to the report as quoted ” It would be prudent to reconsider and re-evaluate the recommendations and excerpts from the reports of the committees chaired by Dr. S R Wate in 2018-19 and Vishwanathan Anand in 2014 etc., clause-wise collated comments/suggestions by CSIR-NEERI as received from stakeholders, and other recommendations by the judiciary bodies, CAG, etc., which should be holistically analyzed and brainstormed amongst the peer groups, to suitably amend, clarify, detail out, and improve the present draft EIA 2020 notification, for the larger goal of enhanced environmental protection.”

Points which received major suggestion /objections are

  • Definition
  • Categorization of projects and activities
  • Preparation of EIA report
  • Public consultation: Exemption from public participation
  • Validity of prior environmental clearances or permission
  • Monitoring of post project EC or prior EP
  • Dealing of violation cases/Post facto Approvals
  • Exemption of project works

Click here to download the report

High Court Also

The Delhi High Court has ordered the government of India to make the draft EIA 2020 available in 22 languages, citing the possibility that people in rural India will not understand the draft in English or Hindi.

Conclusions – Draft EIA 2020 Movement

A battle half won, this has happened because we stood strong and united for our future. In this democratic country voting is not only the power however also the freedom to peacefully express our issues.

If any suggestion/recommendation or help required, please feel free to contact me.

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